Why would I be using this strategy?
I would use this strategy as it makes students think about what they previously learned and then they are able to apply this schema to a text. I think that it is great because it can be used in all subject areas and at any grade level. As long as you scale the readings and questions asked, this could be accomplished in any classroom. This strategy is also important as it can be used individually or in groups. Students can be thinking on their own, or they can collaboratively work together through synthesizing their combined ideas. It is also a unique approach to reading a text, one that reduces confusion by having students predict and see if these predictions are true or not.
What educational philosophy does it illustrate?
DR-TA utilizes a philosophy that emphasizes learning one step at a time. The strategy breaks from traditional reading where students simply read from one page to the next without stopping for questioning or understanding.
How will this strategy assist your students in understanding the content area, and help them become confident, critical thinkers?
First and foremost, they will increase their reading comprehension skills. They will be able to break down readings into sequences, actively predicting and judging the information read. Students are focused to think why, where, when, what, and how something is happening. This focus allows them to use their critical thinking skills, and to question what they read. By using critical thinking skills, they can understand the material much easier.
What educational goals will it help you and your students reach?
Goals such as high motivation will be reached when using the DR-TA strategy. Students will want to see if the predictions they made were true, as opposed to simply reading through the text. They will also reach goals such as increased verbal communication skills. They will learn to respectably communicate with other students, as well as teachers.
If you didn’t use this strategy, what would be missing in your students’ learning?
They would formulaically read texts in the same way, every time. Likewise, they would not be actively thinking as they read. They would forget to understand the importance of stopping and asking/answering questions during reading. Students would lack a strategy that collaboratively engages with other students and the teacher. The strategy produces a healthy educational learning environment in which all students are encouraged to participate.
How will this strategy improve the speed and comprehension of their learning, and allow them to synthesize what they have learned to create new ideas and understandings?
Their comprehension will be improved after using the DR-TA strategy. Since they have to activate their prior knowledge and skills in a different way when using DR-TA, they will be able to better understand what they are reading. By listening to other students’ voices, they will feel comfortable with being able to question what they don’t understand. This will eventually lead to increased learning speed, because there will be less overall hesitation due to students feeling secure in asking questions.
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